I did something today that I haven't done in over 18 years.
I ran.
Just a few days before my 25th birthday in 1993 I was in a car crash that catapulted me through the back seat, tearing the upholstery, into the trunk of the car. I crushed my 4th and 5th lumbar, fractured my 3rd cervical vertebrae and snapped my collarbone. I was able to avoid surgery, but I was immobile in bed for 7 weeks and in physical therapy for a better part of a year. Since then, I have not even tried to run.
Fast forward more than a decade - I have gotten married and had two babies. With both pregnancies I actually lost weight because I was so unhealthy to start out with, and my calorie intake was more than enough to fuel me and the growing baby. In 2006 - 2007 I lost 82 lbs, only to gain most of it back by not making room for any exercise when my daughter started kindergarten and the family schedule changed. I am obese, unhealthy and terrified of not being here for my children. My dad had his first heart attack when he was 43 - the age I will be in January. The age my mother was when she was widowed. Yesterday, my 68 year old uncle died in front of the computer at his desk of a heart attack. In front of the computer is how I spend much of my life.
Today, I ran.
It was more of a jog than a run, and It wasn't pretty. It was on a treadmill as "Sandstorm" blasted on my MP3 Player. The song accelerated and so did I, my index finger frantically tapping the "speed "up" button. I stayed there for 2 whole minutes, before tapping the button back down to my fast-walk pace, sweat pouring off my face.
My body didn't get this way overnight and it certainly isn't going to change overnight. But I do feel like I am making good choices, cooking whole foods that nourish me and my family, that I am looking forward to those 30 minutes of 'me' time every afternoon when I escape to the treadmill. I know myself well enough to know that making goals for myself at this stage is setting myself up for excuses and failure, so I will go slow and commit only to the idea that when my son starts kindergarten in a year, I won't let the family schedule stall me, like it did when my daughter started.
I won't stall.
I will run.
BETH! This is AWESOME! I am so happy for you!!! and proud!!! it is never an easy thing to do, but every step counts and you are well on your way to success! Keep it up, before you know it you'll be running miles :)